As the end of the school year approaches, we would like to show our appreciation for the talented and caring staff of MCDS. We are incredibly fortunate to have this amazing staff to guide and teach our children.
This year, in place of a staff appreciation dinner, the PSO is organizing a food truck grab and go lunch during the final in-service of school. We have partnered with Taqueria Comalli and The Cherry on Top to send out their taco and ice cream trucks.
The meal and staff gifts are all funded through your monetary contributions. Please consider making a donation online or place your donation of cash or check in an envelope marked STAFF APPRECIATION and return to school.
Make an Online DonationWe are hoping to raise $1,500 in donations to cover the meal and a gift for each teacher. All money must be submitted by Friday, June 4.
Thank you in advance for helping to make this event as special as our staff!