Montessori Country Day School

Individualized, Hands-On Learning Since 1968


REGISTRATION OPEN! MCDS is currently accepting registration forms for the 2025-2026 school year and Summer 2025!

Mission Statement

In accordance with the philosophy and pedagogical methods of Maria Montessori, the Montessori Country Day School community, consisting of teachers, staff and parents, makes it their goal to provide quality, child-centered, individualized education for children ages 12 months through 12 years. We all work together to develop responsible, critical-thinking, confident, powerful, and caring members of society. Through the manipulation of hands-on materials, students develop independence, confidence, self-direction, self-discipline, a positive attitude toward school and a life-long love of learning. Children enjoy freedom of movement and choice within a well-planned, low pressure, child-paced, prepared environment. This environment, designed with clear and carefully defined limits, meets the needs of a multi-aged, heterogeneous grouping of students.

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Montessori offers a learning experience far different than any other school environment our daughter has had. The experiential and hands on learning in the Montessori classroom have given our daughter the opportunity to thrive in school like never before. In addition, at MCDS, she has learned how to take responsibility for the quantity and quality of work she accomplishes while in school, and she is more organized at home. She looks forward to going to school every day! ~ Daughter in her first year in the Upper Elementary Class

At MCDS, we have found a teaching philosophy which mirrors our personal parenting style of challenging our children at their own individual levels while providing individual attention. MCDS’ elementary program continually provides our older daughter with an engaging environment, supporting the expansion of her free-thinking ability while upholding personal accountability. ~ Daughter in second year in Lower Elementary Class

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